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Submitting your doctoral thesis
When you submit your doctoral thesis to the secretariat, the thesis administrator in your Faculty will inform you of the DI-fusion submission procedures. The names of the contact persons and the guide for doctoral students are available below.
By decision of the Board of Directors, all doctoral students are required to submit their entire thesis to DI-fusion, before the public defence of the doctoral thesis, and to provide access to at least their table of contents (open access or access restricted to the University's Intranet). You are free to choose access to the rest of your thesis (open access, restricted access to the University's Intranet or private access, for a certain period of time, or ad aeternam).
The Rector will not sign your degree if your thesis has not been encoded in DI-fusion.
If you have any questions about the submission procedure, you can contact the thesis administrator in your Faculty, School or Institute, whose contact details are available in the guides above or on the staff Intranet.