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Support and trainings
Support and training for doctoral candidates, post-doct and researchers.
Information search
- One-on-one session dedicated to developing information retrieval strategies and apply them to your research topic.
- Training in SCOPUS
- Training in PubMed
- More info and registration (ULB staff Intranet)
- 15 minutes to the point: More info and registration (ULB staff Intranet)
- Find articles easily with the Unpaywall and LibKey plugins (in French)
- Properly formulate your literature search equation (in French)
- AI bibliographical search tool : Elicit and ResearchRabbit (in French)
Reference management software
- Training in bibliographic reference management software: Zotero and EndNote.
More info and registration (ULB staff Intranet) - 15 minutes to the point: More info and registration (ULB staff Intranet)
- Zotero or EndNote: which one to choose?
- Using ZoteroBib for a quick bibliographic list (in French)
- Getting started with Zotero (in French)
Publication and digital visibility
- Open Access: opening access to your publications
- Copyright issues related to Open Access
- Avoiding predatory publishers
- Open Access to publications in H2020
- Open Access to publications in Horizon Europe
- Visibility & academic social networking
- Publication strategies
- Round tables…
- More info and registration (ULB staff Intranet)
- 15 minutes to the point: More info and registration (ULB staff Intranet)
- Open Access at ULB: 3 things to know
- Creative Commons licences
- Avoiding predatory journals
- Creating your ORCID identifier
- Bibliometric indicators
- Encoding your publications in DI-fusion (in French)