1. Bibliothèques
  2. EN
  3. Services
  4. Facilities for PRM

Facilities for people with reduced mobility (PRM) or disabilities

Facilities are provided to help people with reduced mobility access the ULB libraries. Help is available for people with disabilities or special needs; if you encounter any difficulties, we encourage you to contact the library concerned using the information below.

Simone Veil human sciences library

Outdoor facilities

  • There are four reserved parking spaces at the bottom of Avenue Héger on the Avenue Roosevelt side, about 100 m from the library; a concrete access ramp makes it easy to get to the front of the library.
  • A videophone is located to the left of the entrance to building NB and provides direct access to the 3rd floor of the library.

Facilities inside the library

  • Wheelchair users can circulate inside the building and its facilities are adapted for them (but the doors do not open automatically).
  • There are disabled toilets on each floor of the library (there are none in building AX).
  • Assistance dogs are welcome.


Bibliothèque des sciences humaines Simone Veil (BSH) Tel.: +32 (0)2 650 23 84 bsh@ulb.be Campus du Solbosch - CP 181
  • Brussels
  • Solbosch Campus

Library of the Centre for the Interdisciplinary Study of Religions and Secularism (CIERL)

The Library of the Centre for the Interdisciplinary Study of Religions and Secularism, which occupies two floors, has no facilities for people with reduced mobility.

To access the consultation room on the ground floor (there is a step leading up to it), or ask questions and make special requests (such as collection of publications in the room on the first floor), please contact:


Campus du Solbosch - CP 180
Avenue F.D. Roosevelt, 50
1050 Bruxelles

Science and technology library

Outdoor facilities

  • Reserved parking spaces are available in the car park on Avenue Depage.
  • A wooden ramp provides easy access to the main entrance of the library, located on the ground floor. However, as the entrance doors are not automatic, people with reduced mobility are advised to tell the library that they are visiting so help can be provided.

Facilities inside the library

  • The doors (entrance and internal doors) and the aisles between the shelves are wide enough for wheelchairs to pass through (but the doors do not open automatically).
  • Assistance dogs are welcome.


Bibliothèque des sciences & techniques Tel.: +32 (0)2 650 2054 bst@ulb.be Campus du Solbosch - CP 174
  • Brussels
  • Plaine Campus

Achille Herlant pharmacy library

Outdoor facilities

  • There are four reserved parking spaces in the car park opposite the library.

Facilities inside the library

  • A large lift provides access to the 4th floor, where the library is located.
  • The doors (entrance and internal doors) and the aisles between the shelves are wide enough for wheelchairs to pass through (but the doors do not open automatically).
  • There is a disabled toilet on the same floor.
  • Assistance dogs are welcome.


Matthias VILAIN Tel.: +32 (0)2 650 31 88 matthias.vilain@ulb.be DPT BIBLIOTHEQUES & INFO SCIENTIFIQUE
Campus de la Plaine - CP 205/08
Boulevard du Triomphe, ACC.2
1050 Bruxelles

Health sciences library

Outdoor facilities

  • Reserved parking spaces are available at the Faculty.
  • A wooden ramp provides easy access to the main entrance of the library, located on the ground floor. However, as the entrance doors are not automatic, people with reduced mobility are advised to tell the library that they are visiting so help can be provided.
  • To access the lift that provides access to the library via the mezzanine (staff car park), contact the reception at building D on 02/555.46.89.

Facilities inside the library

  • The doors (entrance and internal doors) and the aisles between the shelves are wide enough for wheelchairs to pass through (but the doors do not open automatically).
  • A disabled toilet is located on the mezzanine floor and is accessible via the lift.
  • Assistance dogs are welcome.


Bibliothèque des sciences de la santé Tel.: +32 (0)2 5554689 bss@ulb.be Campus Erasme - CP 607
  • Brussels
  • Erasme Campus

Law library

Outdoor facilities

  • There are four reserved parking spaces on Avenue P. Héger opposite the entrance to building H (the kerb is lowered).

Facilities inside the library

  • A lift provides access to the 1st floor (where the library is located).
  • The doors and the aisles between the shelves are wide enough for wheelchairs to pass through (but the doors do not open automatically).
  • Assistance dogs are welcome.

The specialised law libraries (Roman Law Seminar Library and Legal History Seminar Library), located on the upper floors of two old houses, do not have facilities for people with reduced mobility.


Bibliothèque de droit Tel.: +32 (0)2 650 3925 bibdroit@ulb.be Campus du Solbosch - CP 138
  • Brussels
  • Solbosch Campus

Architecture library

Outdoor facilities

  • People with reduced mobility mainly gain access via the rear entrance of the Faculty of Architecture building (Rue du Belvédère).
  • The lifts, on the ground floor, provide access to the Architecture Library on the third floor.
  • There is also access for people with reduced mobility via the car park (Chaussée de Boondael). Inside the car park, a threshold ramp provides easy access to the lifts.

Facilities inside the library

  • The exterior and interior doors and the space between the shelves are wide enough for wheelchairs to pass through.
  • Assistance dogs are welcome.


Archives & bibliothèque d'architecture Tel.: 6918 bibarchi@ulb.be Campus Solbosch - Flagey - CP 248/01
  • Brussels
  • Solbosch Campus


Archives, heritage and special collections

  • There are four reserved parking spaces at the bottom of Avenue Héger on the Avenue Roosevelt side, around 200 m from the Archives and the Special Collections.
  • Access for people with reduced mobility is via the Human Sciences Library (Building NB) and is to the left in the building's entrance; please ring the videophone to enter (non-automatic door).
  • This entrance takes you directly to the 3rd floor of the Library. A lift then provides access to building AX from the 2nd floor.
  • Assistance dogs are welcome.


Archives, patrimoine et collections spéciales Tel.: +32 (0)2 650 2522 archives@ulb.be Campus du Solbosch - CP 170
  • Brussels
  • Solbosch Campus