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Exporting a list of publications
- Publications list from My DI-fusion ?
- Publications list from DI-fusion ?
- Publications list for a research ?
- Display a publications list on the web ?
Publications list from My DI-fusion ?
ULB researchers and doctoral students can extract a list of publications using the My DI-fusion encoding interface.
The left menu provides shortcuts to your publication lists. These lists reflect what is encoded in DI-fusion a few minutes after the references have been added, modified or deleted. The following lists can be exported:
The left menu provides shortcuts to your publication lists. These lists reflect what is encoded in DI-fusion a few minutes after the references have been added, modified or deleted. The following lists can be exported:
- FNRS general
- FNRS doctoral mandat
- FNRS equivalent publications
- ULB CV-like list
- Custom list
Full details, in particular for the CV-ULB and FNRS lists, are available in the online help (in French).
Example of CV-ULB list
Publication lists: file status at a glance!
When the display links to full text option is selected - which is the case, for example, in lists intended to be used as input for an application to the FNRS - for each file submitted, the list displays a logo representing the access associated with the file: |
Internet access |
Intranet ULB access |
Private access |
Duration of embargo if applicable; example: blocked until 2019-06-22 |
Publications list from DI-fusion ?
Anyone can retrieve a list of publications from the DI-fusion search interface, by clicking on the

DI-fusion list request form
This form can also be used to contact (if an email address is known to our system) the author of a reference by clicking on the envelope
List of publications for a research unit ?
DI-fusion can be used to extract a deduplicated list of the publications of a group of people working at ULB (research centre, etc.). To obtain this list, please contact :
Support DI-fusion
We need the following information:
You can also specify whether you need a list of "All publications" or, for example, "Only articles from the last 5 years", etc...
We need the following information:
- A title for the group
- The first and last names of the members
Display a list of publications on the web?
It is possible to display lists of publications for an individual or a group on a website, blog, etc ...
There are several ways of doing this:
There are several ways of doing this:
- a permanent URL leading to a PDF file of all the publications of a person at ULB
- Faculty of Science : display of the PDF in the integrated viewer. The file will not be updated automatically. You will have to upload a new file regularly to get the latest updates.
- Faculty of Public Health (Clicking on CR1, CR2, etc. takes you to a page with links in the right-hand column): a link to the PDF is displayed. This is not integrated into the viewer, but each time you click on the link, the updated version of the PDF is displayed.
- a permanent URL to the publications of a "surname + first name" encoded in DI-fusion. This does not work for a group.
- Easy to implement integration: Lists in HTML format
- Integration requiring the intervention of an IT specialist: Lists in XML format