Logo des Editions de l'ULB
Logo du Département des Bibliothèques et de l'Information Scientifique
Les Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles is the publishing service of the Université libre de Bruxelles. Since it was created in 1972, it has built up a catalogue of over 400 titles. It publishes 20 works per year on average - monographs, collective works, course books and research reports. To develop its portfolio of around fifteen collections, it works in close collaboration with the ULB's academic staff members and their European colleagues. They are active in the main disciplines of the human and social sciences, mathematics and statistics. The languages of publication are French and English.

Ten years ago, a new collection entitled "Ublire" was created, presenting pocket-sized editions of fundamental texts, reference manuals and themed anthologies along with works on social issues. This collection helped to raise Les Éditions' profile internationally.

Les Éditions also publish journals.

The works are all assessed (peer review) before being published in paper format, and in some cases in open access in the digital library (Digithèque). Because Les Éditions is committed to moving with the times, it will be developing the open access offering during the next few years according to international standards.

Here is an overview of the collections developed at Les Éditions de l'Université de Bruxelles: :
  • Commentaire J. Mégret : Marianne Dony (Director), Emmanuelle Bribosia (Editorial Secretary)
  • Architecture, aménagement du territoire et environnement (Jean-Louis Genard and Christian Vandermotten)
  • BSI series (Brussels Studies Institute)
  • Etudes européennes (Marianne Dony and François Foret)
  • Etudes sur le XVIIIe siècle (Valérie André and Brigitte D'Hainaut-Zveny)
  • Histoire (Eliane Gubin and Kenneth Bertrams)
  • Histoire - conflits - mondialisation (Pieter Lagrou)
  • Philosophie politique : généalogies et actualités (Thomas Berns)
  • Problèmes d'histoire des religions (Sylvie Peperstraete)
  • Religion, laïcité et société (Monique Weis)
  • Science politique (Pascal Delwit)
  • Sextant (Amandine Lauro and Cécile Vanderpelen-Diagre)
  • Sociologie et anthropologie (Mateo Alaluf and Pierre Desmarez)
  • UBlire (Serge Jaumain)


Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles Tel.: +32 (0)2 650 3799 editions@ulb.be Campus du Solbosch - CP 163